SALARDI SISTEMI SRL sole shareholder
Headquarters: Via Malavolti, 33 – 41122 Modena – ITALY
Ph: +39 059 2551206 fax: +39 059 2558089
P.I. and Tax Code 03812230369 – REA no .: MO-419892
for info: info@salardisistemi.it
for requests: commerciale@salardisistemi.it
techincal office: tecnico@salardisistemi.it

Work with us
Over the years, customers have been able to see and appreciate:
Ease of communication
What is promised…. is delivered
This is confirmed by the customers who have continued to use them regularly for years,
thus also allowing us to provide them with maximum collaboration and support.
If you feel that the above may be your opportunity, please contact us.